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Human Life Cycle (Redefined)// Support Links Human Life


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Sample Attributes
Age Group: 12 to 90
Period: Nov.1986-Dec 2005
Sample Size: 1700
Nationality: 15
Repeat Time Gap: 10 Yrs.
Repeat Sample: 420
External Stimulus Reaction Analysis & Quantization (ESRAQ) through Relative Perception Analysis (RPA) Technique.
* Developed By Founders Of Support Links Worldwide

Every activity that we do is strongly motivated by the inferences formed based on the extensive research done in the field of human mental and emotional behavior and patterns of thought in their personal and professional domain, as well as our analysis on 94 different business models,globally.

The traditional model of our lifecycle demands that we spend 28% of our lifetime earning education, another 39% earning a livelihood, while the remaining 33% of our lifetime is spent as retired life with a progressively diminishing scale of revenue-generating activity. However, our survey on 1700 individuals from various walks of life and varying nationalities highlights that this life model from the post-World War II period is slowly turning into a dangerous path to tread.

This is considering the study done by the United Nations which has revealed that the world is undergoing a significant demographic shift known as global aging, where the global elderly will soon out number the young blood in census, jeopardizing present government institutions of pension schemes and senior citizen’s benefits. As the number of elderly explodes, global aging will place an unprecedented economic burden on working-age people. Global aging is pushing the developed world—and perhaps even the entire world toward eventual population decline. Global aging will revolutionize the family by drastically narrowing and lengthening its shape.

In this regard, Support Links Worldwide was compelled to redefine the traditional model of the segmented approach of life into a one that advocates lifelong learning and earning. Lifelong financial independence would ensure a security that is fast diminishing in the modern age of employee redundancy and pension schemes with dwindling benefits. Science also reinforces the fact that the degeneration of an individual’s mental and physical capacity is accelerated due to prolonged periods of under utilization. The concept of active retirement was also brought into the limelight in this regard. Instead of retiring at the peak of one’s career, if he/she could continue with his/her work by offering services as a consultant, it would definitely provide for a stable, dignified and enjoyable means of living. The immense talent, expertise and knowledge of the individual could be transferred to the next generation effectively.

Hence, through the research findings and analysis of various business models, Support Links Worldwide has evolved projects and programs that are aimed at lifelong learning and earning. We are committed to develop and contribute to a society that would breed in the competitive advantage of new age technology and integrated knowledge management expertise.

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